My name is Benjamin Symonds, I'm currently part of the BA Illustration course at AUCB.

What you see on here is a mix of my work and other peoples that I admire/take inspiration from & not just illustrators... work from all areas of art. I'm also using this blog as a digital sketchbook for course assesment etc.

Note. Click on any image to see it in full.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Chosen 6:

My final 6 illustrations. Make sure you click them to full screen : ).

These are the two images I started out with for both sets of work:


Final Image Ideas:

Started playing around with images to see how they work together ready for my unit hand in.


Friday, 19 February 2010

House of Cards:

The video for Radiohead’s single "House of Cards" from album In_Rainbows was made without the use of cameras. Zoo Films directed the clip using different camera-less technologies (live 3D laser scanners) to create the video. The band made all the data compiled to create the images available to fans, allowing fans who know how to manipulate such information to make their own versions of the video.

"No cameras or lights were used. Instead two technologies were used to capture 3D images: Geometric Informatics and Velodyne LIDAR. Geometric Informatics scanning systems produce structured light to capture 3D images at close proximity, while a Velodyne Lidar system that uses multiple lasers is used to capture large environments such as landscapes. In this video, 64 lasers rotating and shooting in a 360 degree radius 900 times per minute produced all the exterior scenes."
“I always like the idea of using technology in a way that it wasn’t meant to be used, the struggle to get your head round what you can do with it. I liked the idea of making a video of human beings and real life and time without using any cameras, just lasers, so there are just mathematical points — and how strangely emotional it ended up being,” Thom Yorke said.

"It's a direct reflection of where we are in society, everything around us is data driven in some way, our lifes are digital".

Max Braun used the data released by radiohead to create his own video:

I also had a go at manipulating the footage myself... here are some stills:

Contacts of Radiohead/ Crystal Casltes illustrations not already posted:

Crystal Caltes/Crystal Castles:

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Listened to In Rainbows for 3.7 hours on repeat...

Heres the outcome:

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Friday, 12 February 2010

Sean Martindale & The Knife.

Sean Martindale recently did some work for the sweedish band The Knife, this is roughly the kind of thing I want to produce for my final outcome on this project. The images work well alone but even more so as a group.


Shape & Collage

I'm currently drawn towards artwork using geometric shape, collage & use of found ground at the moment, these are all aspects i'm planing on using within my own work for this project.

Paul Rand:

Chad Hagen:
Strong composition coupled with great use of negative space.

Cristiana Couceir:

Gina Baber:


Jelle Martens:

 Maia Akiva:

Matija Drozdek:



Eoin Ryan:


Nice washed out colours used here & effective minimal use of text.
Mario Wagner:

Claire Scully:

Kerry Roper:

Nazario Graziano:

Jirayu Koo: