My name is Benjamin Symonds, I'm currently part of the BA Illustration course at AUCB.

What you see on here is a mix of my work and other peoples that I admire/take inspiration from & not just illustrators... work from all areas of art. I'm also using this blog as a digital sketchbook for course assesment etc.

Note. Click on any image to see it in full.

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Exhibition at Branksome Beach Huts, Poole.

Exhibition held in Poole which included some of my current work.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Layering Experimentation.

Some experimentation with scans of maps & previously created drawings/prints of cars.


Managed to create some great textures and contrasts between the images of maps and both photographic / hand drawn elements.

Phone Booth.

Went home to Loughborough last weekend & took some photo's of the local phone boxes, scanned in there location on an ordnance survey map and cropped them together.

Here's the outcome:

Don't think i'm going to take this idea any further but I'm happy with the outcome.


Today I went down to the old book shop on my local high street and found some very nice vintage maps of various places, planning on sewing some of the previously posted images (of the abandond car) into these.

Some great fonts/textures here- particualarly on the map of central London.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Experimentation with line, colour & texture.

Some experimentation with texture, colour & line produced on a sewing machine.

These experiments have helped me realise the potential of the sewing machine & the sewn line.

Another video by Kate Moross for Simian Mobile Disco.

This is a live visual performance for the song '10,000 Horses Can't Be Wrong'. It's a lot more experimental than the previouly posted video, I feel the outcome works perfectly with the song. Not sure if there using a similar thing on their tour for visuals? Would be interesting though!

I'm considering experimenting with light (mabie even sound) in some way for my current project- Not to sure how i'd go about it though as i've never done anything remotely like this before.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Another set of work for my Drawing Approaches unit.

Got the sewing machine out for these ones...

Happy with the outcome of these pieces, the sewn lines add a depth as well as some nice textures to the originals.

A pretty exciting music video by Kate Moross for 'Audacity of Huge' by Simian Mobile Disco.

Currently writing an essay on cross over's between art and music & came across this.  Impresive for her first music video - shes managed to keep a similar style to her illustration/design work (her obsession with isometric shapes is still clear here).

Moross is a "23 year old London based creative. She run's ISO & Isomorph Records which you can read about here. She has a fascination with three sided shapes, illegible typography, and freeform lettering." Check out her website/blog right here. <<<

Monday, 7 December 2009

First set of drawings for Drawing Approaches unit.

Drawn on a huge roll of red graph paper using pen, pencil, ink and masking tape with transfer.

Experimentation with some of the above images: