Would be used to decorate an artice for the Guardian newspaper (I created the spread above using photoshop).
I feel the illustration is eye catching enough to catch the readers view aswell as working in snyc with the layout of text, it also provides a certain amount insight into the article before reading.
An animation for the 'Act On CO2' Campain that would be used to highten awareness on the levels of CO2 produced by air travel.
Two illustrations to be presented along side each other as a poster campaign to heighten awareness regarding CO2 emissions produced by airline companies and make people think twice about flying. They would be shown in places such as the london underground and in areas with airports near by. The imagery of the planet becoming more poluted aswell as the red tracks left by the plane along side the text 'Thankyou Eyjafjallajokull' make this a commentable illustration rather than an informative one.